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Setting Up Hiro Wallet

What is Hiro Wallet

Crypto Wallets are important for developers to test the dapps. They are used to connect with the dapps and sign transactions. Hiro wallet is like Metamask for the Stacks blockchain. It's a self custody wallet (you control your keys) and most used in the Stacks ecosystem.

Downloading Hiro Wallet, creating an account and getting testnet STX.

Follow these steps to download the wallet and create and account:

  1. Go ahead and download the Hiro wallet as an extension for Chrome/Brave by clicking here or if you use firefox then download from here.

  2. Once downloaded Click on "Create new wallet".

  3. Save your secret key somewhere safe and click "I've backed it up".

  4. Set a strong password for your account and click "Continue"

  5. Now click "Skip" in the top right corner.

  6. Click on the "options" icon in the top right corner and then click on "Change Network".

  7. Change the network to "Testnet" because we will be deploying our smart contracts to the testnet during development and testing.

  8. Now let's get you some test STX tokens so you can deploy contracts on the Stacks blockchain and make transactions. Go to this link and connect your wallet, then click "Request STX"

  9. Under "Activity" Tab in your wallet you will be able to see that 500 STX tokens are coming your way. The lightning sign means that the transaction is still pending but you know that you will receive those tokens once a new block is mined (~10 minutes).


The lightning sign in the transaction actually means that the transaction is included in a microblock and not yet included in the anchor block, we will be talking more about microblocks in the next level but for now just understand it tells you that you will receive those tokens once a new block is mined.

  1. Once the next block is mined, the STX tokens will show up in your "Balances" tab and the "lightning" icon will change to the "received" icon in the "Activity" tab.

  2. Now you are all set to interact with the dapps on the Stacks blockchain and deploy your own contracts to the Stacks testnet.

LFG ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€

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